Thursday, 13 October 2016

Then and Now

There's not much I can say about this post except that I wrote it as part of a writing group project.  Try it and see what you think.

Then and Now
An autobiography of a brief relationship

I was already about 150 years old when this family turned up. My previous family had left after a lot of shouting and banging about which rather upset my usual tranquil nature. I don't want to appear unkind about them because before they came I was a wreck and they put me back together and made me feel respectable again. It was wonderful at the beginning once they had smartened me up, but gradually things got a bit fraught and that's when the yelling started.

When you've been around as long as I have, you tend to look at time in a different scale. I don't honestly know when I came about, but I do know that families come and go, and, being stuck in one spot for all this time, you tend to see things change rather more than might appear if you take a shorter perspective. I can remember a time when there weren't any of these noisy roaring things that rush past from time to time. All there was when I came about were horses and people coming along the road; and to think I used to think that they were noisy!

Anyway, I keep getting off the point. I'm trying to tell you about the people I have now, and have had for the last 31 years. Most families don't stay that long. You'd think that the lot that came before would have stayed longer, after all, they made me pretty much what I am today, but, as I say, they started yelling and banging about and let the new lot, the ones I'm telling you about, move in. My very first family stayed for quite a while, or at least they or their children did, but eventually they moved on and I was left with one man who ran the farm and had a woman and her husband living with him. They had children and for a while they too lived with the farmer, then for a short while one of the children brought her husband back to live with us. Everything moves on of course, the children all moved away, though I saw them from time to time, but then everybody left and I was left alone for the first time ever. I had no one to look after me and I began to feel very old and unloved. This was the saddest time I can remember.....

Where was I? Oh yes the people I have now. Did I say that they've been looking after me for 31 years. Sometimes they have been better at it than at other times, but at the moment I feel pretty good. You may not realise it, but when you get a bit older it is difficult for you to stay dry. Your plumbing gets a bit creaky and your sides get leaky. But right now I am as dry as I have ever been. And warm. When I first came about I would get very cold in winter nights but my people would light fires to warm me up. This was the way it was for most of my time until the folk who came before my current family, the ones that rescued me you might say. They gave me a big new overcoat which kept the rain out, but it made me a bit damp and sweaty because my skin couldn't breathe. When they had finished I felt shiny and new and really quite proud of myself. The people who made me first wouldn't recognise me if they could come back. Anyway, the family I have now liked me a lot and couldn't wait to join me.

31 years they've been with me. The children have gone, and even though they come back from time to time it's really just the man and woman who are left. They do their best, but I think it's time for someone else to look after me. I think that if I am to stay for another 150 years I need someone who wants to bring new ideas to me. I shall miss them if they go, but I really like to have children with me. In my opinion, they make a house a home and I have been too long without them.

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